Asset Conformity Testing Services (ACTS) offers a range of non-destructive testing (NDT) methods to assess the integrity and safety of various equipment and structures. Some of the NDT techniques provided by ACTS include:
This method uses high-frequency sound waves to detect flaws, measure thickness, and assess the structural integrity of materials. UT is commonly used for weld inspections, corrosion mapping, and detecting internal defects in components.
MT is used to identify surface and near-surface defects in ferromagnetic materials. It involves applying magnetic fields and fine iron particles to the surface, which will accumulate at defect locations, making them visible for inspection.
PT is a technique used to identify surface defects such as cracks, leaks, or discontinuities in materials. It involves applying a liquid dye to the surface, allowing it to penetrate any surface-breaking defects. Excess dye is then removed, and a developer is applied to make the defects visible.
Visual inspection is a basic yet essential NDT method. ACTS employs trained inspectors to visually examine equipment and structures, looking for any visible signs of damage, corrosion, wear, or other abnormalities. VI is often performed in conjunction with other NDT techniques.
ET is used to detect surface and near-surface defects, as well as measure material thickness and conductivity. It utilizes electromagnetic induction to create eddy currents in conductive materials, and changes in the electrical currents are analyzed to identify defects or variations in the material.
RT involves using X-rays or gamma rays to examine the internal structure of components. It can detect defects such as cracks, voids, and inclusions. RT is particularly useful for inspecting welds, castings, and thick-sectioned materials.
ACTS employs these NDT techniques to assess the condition of equipment and structures, identify defects or abnormalities, and ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations. By utilizing these methods, we can provide accurate and reliable inspection results without causing damage or disruption to the tested components.
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